Kabhi dost kehte ho
Kabhi dua dete ho
Kabhi bewaqt neend se jaga dete ho
Par jab bhi sms karte ho
Khuda kasam..saare gham bhula dete ho
Friendship SMS
Friendship SMS or Friendship Messages are composed to express your feelings about your friends or mate to them. Everybody have his/her own circle of friends. Some of them are true friends and some become the best friends for life. As the friendship grows we keep exchanging gifts, sending friendship sms, friendship messages and always keep searching for a heart touching friendship sms or friendship messages to pickup and send to our friends or partners. Here we have gathered a nice collection of friendship sms for this purpose. You can pick some sms and send these friendship sms to your friends on their mobile. So what are you waiting for just go and enjoy latest and funny friendship mobile sms messages.
Don't ever give up when u r down,
It doesn't matter if u fall many times,
Just remember that each time u fall,
I'll never let u reach the ground,
Trust me, I will always be around.
Gud relation doesn't need promises
any terms or conditions
it jus needs 2 wonderful ppl
one kool like me
n one chweeeeeeeeeet like u
Log milte hain EVERY TIME
Pasand aate hain SOME TIME
Dosti hoti hai ONE TIME
Jo rehti hai LIFE TIME.
Dosti koi farz nahin...Ek rishta hai yeh.
Raishte jo khoon se nahin... Dil se bandhe.
Dil jo kuchh pal ko mile... Mile zindagi bhar ke liye.
Ek zindagi kabhi puri nahin hoti... Aziz dost ke liye.
Some of the best moments in life:-
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside...
Thinking about the person you love...
A long drive on a calm road...
Finding money in your old jeans just when you need it...
Giggling over silly jokes...
Holding hands with a friend...
Getting a hug from someone who loves u...
The moment your eyes fill with tears after a big laugh...
Wishing you these moments in your life always..!
A is for all the nice things you do for me.
B is for being there for me.
C is for coming to my rescue.
D is for never deserting me.
E is for your eagerness to please.
F is for being quick to forgive
G is for your generosity.
H is for extending a helping hand.
I is for your interest in me.
J is for not judging my every move.
K is for your kindness towards me.
L is for the love you have shown me.
M is for the many laughs we share.
N is for never gossiping about me.
O is for your openness.
P is for always playing fair.
Q is for the quiet times we share.
R is for the respect we have for each other.
S is for all the smiles you bring.
T is because you touch my heart.
U is for how well you understand me.
V is because you are a vital part of my life.
W is for knowing when to speak and when not to.
X is for all the xtra nice things you do.
Y is for giving of yourself.
Z is for the zip you add to my life.
I can't find a reason why God gave U to me, but that is not the question to be asked; May be the question is how did God knew that I needed a friend like U.