This is your boss: "You are allowed to read the newspaper during the working hours and do certainly not miss the job adds."

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This is your boss: "You are allowed to read the newspaper during the working hours and do certainly not miss the job adds."
A fart is a flying planet, created by God & produced by men.
I think you are ugly and stupid, You are a real pain in the ...... Wait a moment.... oh no, I do have the right number...
Roses are red, violets are blue, when I sense the smell of the bathroom, I think of you!
I wish you lots of itching and short arms.
You have the face of a saint...a Saint-Bernard!
If you did not have any feet, would you wear shoes?? ...no... why do you wear a bra????!!!
Why do men fart more often than women? Because women do not keep their mouth shut long enough to build up the pressure.