Hug Day SMS

Hug Day SMS

International Free Hugs Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of July and how can you skip celebrating Hug Day? Yes, go and hug your loved ones and let them know how much you love and care for them. Hug day is the true epitome of showing your endless love towards your friends, beloveds or even your relatives. Hug your beloved tight and make them feel special and on top of the world. Hug day is meant not just for the love birds but even for those who have parted ways. You can once again reconcile with your ex on this day by hugging them and spending the rest of valentine week with one another. If you are away from your love ones and unable to hug him/her then don't worry you can send a Hug Day SMS. We have a collection of really good Hug Day Messages to send as a Hug Day Wishes. So what are you waiting for just go through our collection of Hug Day SMSs and pick one of your choice and send it to dear ones to let him/her feel special on this Hug Day. By the way Happy Hug Day to all of you.

Do you know
Do you know

Do you know...
There is one gift which can't be given
without taking it back...
That is why I give you hug
which can't be giving without taking it back.
Happy Hug Day !

I love hugging
I love hugging

I love hugging.
I wish I was an octopus
so I could hug 8 people at a time on Hug Day.

123 ... of Hug Day
123 ... of Hug Day

1 2,
I Love You,
3 4
Love Me More,
5 6
Give Me Kiss,
7 8
Don't Be Late,
9 10
Hug Me Then

Hug you tight
Hug you tight

No matter where you are
I'll always find my way to?
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses.
I love only you!
Have a Nice Hug Day.

Hug From Me
Hug From Me

Even though I'm away, in my heart
I'm right by your side.
And here's a hug from me
To say, I love you lots
Happy Hug Day

You are so especial
You are so especial

You are so especial to me.
There is nothing better than
Having you as a friend
To share hug day with!
Thank you for making my
Day brighter.

HUG Coupan
HUG Coupan

HUG Coupan
Hugs are fat-free, sugar-free
And require no batteries.
Hugs reduce blood pressure
Body temperature, heart rate
And help relive pain and depression.
Redeem this coupon at your nearest
Participating human being.
~*~*~* Happy Hug Day *~*~*~

U cant wrap love
U cant wrap love

U cant wrap love in a box,
But u can wrap a person in a hug.
A hug charms, warms and makes everyone happy.
That must be why God gave us arms.
So here is a hug 4 u on this Hug Day.

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