Life is full of beautiful things:
Soft sunsets,
Painted rainbows,
Delicate blossoms,
Luv & laughter,
Quiet moments & Fantatic people like me.
Take care.
Take Care SMS
A collection of Take Care SMS, Take Care Wishes, Take Care Messages, Take Care Poems, Take Care Quotes collection here. These Romantic Take Care SMS are in many languages like Take Care SMS in Hindi, Take Care SMS in English. Pick a message you like most and text it to your friends for greeting / wishing them.
Being near is not always the meaning of being dear...
I may b far frm U,
But my masages r bridges to make U feel that
Take C A R E
Someone remembers
Someone cares,
Ur name is whispered in someone's prayers.
Keep dis beautiful feeling in view,
Someone is always wishing good for you.
Take care
I sent my cares to the wind ........
and asked the wind to pass them to u..............
when u feel the wind blowing against ur face..
thats me..
take care