Hola Mohalla SMS
Holla Mohalla or Hola Mohalla, is the carnival of Punjab. renowned over three days, the fair retains the character of joy and enjoyment that Holi has embodied. In addition to this, it is also a society fair that brings inhabitants together in an atmosphere of sharing and caring. If you wish to express your love and gratitude for your best friend then, check out some Hola Mohalla SMS on this website. It is also an event to remember the valor of the Sikhs in battling the enemies of the land. The festival daylight hours begins with early daybreak prayers at the Gurdwaras. The Guru Granth Sahib is majestically taken out and bathed traditionly with water and milk. Afterthat, it is placed on a platform and venerated. Kirtans are sung, the prasad is hallowed and everyone shares a fraction of it. Community lunch is served after all this in the common hall. Evening is a moment for numerous civilizing activities. The Nihang Sikhs, who are element of the Sikh army that Guru Gobind Singh founded, exhibit their martial skills and audacious through mock battles, sword-fighting displays, archery and horse-riding exercises. The Nihangs also splash blush on the viewers and everyone follows suit. Stories and songs about the life, heroism and wisdom of the ten Sikh gurus, right from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh, are told and recited. SMS is an efficient way and the most reliable technology to be in touch with your near and dear ones. Visit this website for Hola Mohalla Sms and Hola Mohalla Messages. Music, hop and poetry programs and competitions are detained at many venues. A pageant is carried through the principal Gurdwaras in township marking the highlights of the last daylight hours celebrations. Holla Mohalla, while being an occasion to rejoice, is also a time to restore devotion in the Khalsa Panth and rededicate oneself to the service of the community. Everyone, irrespective of their societal status involves themselves in kar seva � manual labor, such as serving in the langars or communal kitchens, cleaning the Gurdwaras and washing dishes. Coinciding with Holi, the festival of colour, it reminds the people about the folklore of meaningful celebration and displays the valour inculcated in the Sikh commune via Guru Gobind Singh, who took to fortified fight against tyranny. If you want to wish someone you can pick a Hola Mohalla SMS from here and send as Hola Mohalla Wishes. By the way Happy Hola Mohalla to all of you.

If wishes come in rainbow colors then,
I would send the brightest one to say Happy Hola Mohalla!!