123 ... of Hug Day

123 ... of Hug Day

1 2,
I Love You,
3 4
Love Me More,
5 6
Give Me Kiss,
7 8
Don't Be Late,
9 10
Hug Me Then

More Hug Day SMS

Hug you tight

No matter where you are
I'll always find my way to?
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses.
I love only you!
Have a Nice Hug Day.

Hug From Me

Even though I'm away, in my heart
I'm right by your side.
And here's a hug from me
To say, I love you lots
Happy Hug Day

You are so especial

You are so especial to me.
There is nothing better than
Having you as a friend
To share hug day with!
Thank you for making my
Day brighter.

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