I was born the day I met you, lived a while when you loved me, died a little when we broke apart.
Break Up SMS
Generally Break Up phrase is used for relationship break up or termination of a relationship. Everybody knows that it's a devastating experience to be left by someone you really love but some time we need to end relationship with someone and we also want to split up in a graceful way. For this we need some Break Up messages. Here you will find the ultimate collection of Break up SMS. These break up sms are in hindi and english language. Hope you will enjoy these break up sms because these mobile sms are nicely collected for you. If you have some break up messages which are not here in our database then please send it to us and we will show it. Don't forget to rate these break up mobile text sms because it will help us improve quality of our collection. Check this page again for latest break up messages as we keep on updating this page.
I will remember him
As the one who broke my heart
As the one who taught me
To live with broken heart
Love you swt heart.
Love hurts when you breakup with someone.
Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you
But love hurts the most,
when the person you love
has no idea how you feel.
After breaking up, it is inadvisable to get back with your ex in a hurry. After all, there must have been a reason for your to have broken up in the first place.