My heart is filled with deep respect and gratitude to you, .....
Thank You SMS
A collection of Thank You SMS, Thank You Wishes, Thank You Messages, Thank You Quotes collection here. We have variuous type of Thank You messages like Romantic Thank You SMS, Thank You SMS in Hindi, Thank You SMS in English. Thankyou sms messages are usually sent as a thank you greeting. Some people like to send funny thank you jokes, some prefer to send thank you text messages in their native languages i.e urdu or hindi. Every one is suppose to send a thank you love sms> or a sweet / romantic thank you sms when his/her lover has done something for him/her.
I do not know how to show my gratitude and cannot say enough good things about........
I fail words to express my gratitude to you for all you have done.
We should not express our gratitude anyhow.
This is a very important and deep feeling and I have this feeling for you, dear....