More than a billion transistors are manufactured.....every second!!!!!!!!
Science Facts
Here you will find interesting Facts about Science which you must know. These Science Facts are collected to tell you more interesting but surprising things about science. These science facts are about various things like space, invention, scientists, etc. Read these facts and share them with your friends.
The first ever camera took 8 hours to take a photograph. It consisted of bitumen(tar) over a metal plate. The exposed parts of the tar would harden and the soft part cleaned away. Got patience???
The first digital camera was designed by a Kodak engineer by the name of Steven Sasson. It weight 3.6 kg and was the size of a toaster.
The minimum number of satellites needed to show your position on the GPS device is 3. A signal from one GPS satellite will just tell your distance from that particular satellite. If you know your approximate latitude and longitude, you can figure out which point you are at. Four satellites are necessary to accurately determine altitude.