Argentina's capital Buenos Aires means "Good air".
Afghanistan's capital Kabul means "hump backed".
Thailand's capital Bangkok means "city of angels".
Spain's capital Madrid means "place of abundant water".
France's capital Paris means "the working people".
Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur means "Muddy River"
Korea's capital Seoul means "Capital".
China's capital Beijing means "Gate".
Japan's capital Tokyo means "Eastern Capital".
Geography Facts
Here you will find some really Interesting Geography Facts which you never know. These geography facts are collected to tell you more interesting things in geography. These geography facts are about Continents, Earth, Countries, Oceans, Maps, Rivers, Sea, Mountains. Tell your friends about these Geographial Facts and then ask them 'Did you know it', I am sure that the answer will be NO.
Lake Nicaragua in Nicaragua is the only fresh water lake in the world that has sharks.
If Antarctica's ice sheets melted, the worlds oceans would rise by 60 to 65 metres (200 - 210ft) - everywhere.
The increased electricity used by modern appliances is causing a shift in the Earth's magnetic field. By the year 2327, the North Pole will be located in mid-Kansas, while the South Pole will be just off the coast of East Africa.
The earliest maps were made by the Babylonians about 2300 B.C.?
The first map to represent the known world was created by Anaximander, a Greek philosopher, in the 6th century B.C.?
The word MAP comes from the Latin word, "mappa", and means napkin, cloth, or sheet?
There is a city called Rome on every continent.