Baby whales grow at an average rate of 10lbs per hour!
Animals Facts
A large and unique collection of some really Interesting Animal Facts about Animals which you never know. These animal facts are collected to tell you more interesting things about animals. These animal facts are about all animals like Elephant, Tiger, Lion, Bird, Ant, Owl, Mosquito, Cat, Dog, Fly, Whale, Shark, Fish, Crocodiles, Chicken, Ostrich, Butterfly, Bear, Panda, Cow, Zebra, Hippos, Chimpanzee. All Facts about Animals are really Surprising. Tell your friends about these Animal Facts and then ask them 'Did you know it', I am sure that the answer will be NO.
Bulls are colorblind, therefore will usually charge at a matador's waving cape no matter what color it is -- be it red or neon yellow!
Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand!
Chained dogs are 3 times more likely to bite than unchained dogs.
Crocodile babies don't have sex chromosomes; the temperature at which the egg develops determines gender.
Flamingos pee on their legs to cool themselves off.
Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.
Frogs sometimes eat enough fireflies that they themselves glow.
Human birth control pills work on gorillas.