Three nominees for Best Actor Oscars from one film

Three nominees for Best Actor Oscars from one film

Mutiny on The Bounty (1935) was the only film to have had three nominees for Best Actor Oscars (Charles Laughton, Clark Gable and Franchot Tone) but won only the Best Picture award.

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Only tie for Best Actor Oscar

The only tie for Best Actor was between Wallace Beery for The Champ and Fredric March for Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, in 1932.

Most Oscar Wins

The films with the most Oscar wins are Ben-Hur, Titanic and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, each winning 11 Oscars from 12, 14 and 11 nominations respectively.

Oldest Best Actress Oscar

The oldest actress to win an Oscar is Jessica Tandy - at 81 she won the Best Actress Oscar in 1990 for her performance in Driving Miss Daisy.

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